Who We Are
We are the only "prolife" or "abolitionist" group in Colorado proactively attempting to change Colorado law to protect all living children through a Constitutional Amendment. We are a grassroots movement in the body of Christ across Colorado mobilizing communities to pray, educate, and change law to be consistent with God's law.
Led by pastors, a State Task Force, and our Co-Founders with a Review Process involving multiple doctors, attorneys, and theologians, we are a coalition of more than 50 organizations, 300 churches, and three thousand individuals across the state of Colorado.
Our foundation is obedience to Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit on the authority of Scripture with the gospel as central to our message. We speak the consistent message of truth in love that sets people free and will change and save lives forever. John 10:10
​Our Co-Proponents, Task Force, and Regional Teams are all volunteers helping church congregations lead communities to pray, educate, and gather in-person signatures on the official paper petition and vote for life.
Our volunteers include attorneys, women advocates, health professionals, doctors, experts in sexual assault and partner violence, children's advocates, social workers, law enforcement, first responders, pastors, priests, teachers, mothers, fathers, grandparents, political strategists, and community leaders from all walks of life and from all areas of the state. The initiative goes through a Review Process of Attorneys, doctors, and theologians before it is released to the public.
The initiative is written to educate every Colorado voter on the humanity of children and our responsibility to protect them. This initiative does not need the legislature or the governor. This is a legal paper petition (not online) that with enough signatures brings the decision directly to "We The People" for a vote. It also provides opportunity to talk with neighbors, friends, co-workers, family, and fellow citizens about this current holocaust we are praying and working to end.
We encourage all churches to get involved and welcome all individuals and organizations serious about ending the holocaust in our state.
We are a movement among the people of God standing for the truth so people can find it.
Because Every Child Deserves a Birthday.
And Every Child Is Worth Saving.
The Colorado Life Initiative is a grassroots movement in the body of Christ mobilizing communities to pray, educate, and vote to protect all lives!
If just 20% more churchgoers vote - and vote pro-life in a fair election - Colorado will flip to a pro-life state! Our goal is to engage God's people in prayer and action to protect all children's lives without discrimination.
Protect all children from child sacrifice in Colorado.
Every mother and child can be protected from the deception and harm of elective abortion and referred to non-violent alternatives, instead.
Life begins at conception “fertilization” and all human life must be protected beginning at conception.
It is the responsibility of the body of Christ to lead culture, not follow it.
The abortion holocaust is a moral and spiritual sin and therefore requires pastors to lead congregations biblically to end it, rather than defer to political strategists or delegate to secular political organizations.
We are called to repent of child sacrifice and speak the truth in love. We speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
We base strategy, solutions, and interactions in obedience to the authority of Scripture.
We encourage each other, speak truth with one another, respect, value, and hold all advice against the light of Scripture as illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
We are proactive rather than reactive, valuing that “the best defense is a good offense”,
We speak well of each other, the efforts, and the team.
We look to Scripture to resolve any conflict, going directly to that person if we have any concern.
While nonbelievers are welcome to join the efforts, our key partnerships and leadership are Christ-followers so that we are not unequally yoked with unbelievers and our foundation remains on the rock of obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 6 and Luke 6).
We are motivated by honoring God and saving the lives of children, not for political or financial gain.
We look forward to the day when child sacrifice is ended, and we can move on to other efforts.
Mobilize churchgoers to pray, educate, register to vote, and vote FOR Life
Promote a moral, just, and fair law that God can bless
Educate every Colorado voter on the humanity of preborn children
Meet the state’s legal requirements to be a single subject
Close abortion clinics and stop abortion pills
Is straightforward for the voter
Keeps the argument focused on the goal – the protection of children
Can stand at the United States Supreme Court
Does not penalize a doctor in the course of saving lives
Prevents exploitation and helps women get the real helps that they need
Provides a truthful, moral, and Biblical solution
Overturns current statewide law of abortion through birth
Our strategy is based in Biblical principles.
It's no secret. It's been said that the best defense is a good offense. There is a super majority legislature in Colorado that can do whatever they want, and we can wear ourselves out talking to them, because they aren't listening. (Not to say we shouldn't continue to pray and talk to legislators.) The side of death can outspend us. The giant of the abortion industry has federal funds, the media in their back pocket, paid legislators defending them regardless of the facts, and a stronghold in Colorado paid by the blood of innocent children with the most brutal and inhumane abortionists on the planet. The devil doesn't care why we kill children, so long as we do.
And we are God's people with the mighty and powerful Name above All Names to whom we align, who is the King of kings and Lord of lords who says to ask Him. This is the Super Bowl of spiritual battles between the forces of darkness who thrive on the bloodshed of innocent children through child sacrifice and the followers of
Jesus Christ who have within our ability to speak life into our culture and overcome the darkness. It's a simple choice between life and death.
And there are plenty of examples we can learn from in the Bible. Nehemiah's approach to building the wall around Jerusalem was for everyone to take care of the wall that was right in front of them. Likewise, if every congregation and believer will work on the wall of protection around the mothers and children within our own congregation and community, we will surround them with protection. We need only to do our part with the people and influences God has placed in front of each of us.
God's approach to evil is to repent. He says to the woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn you, now, go and sin no more." Today is the day of salvation. With one unified voice, we must speak the truth - the whole truth and nothing but the truth - about the realities of the humanity of our children in the womb, the brutality of dismembering and poisoning children before they can be born, and the hope we have in Christ for these children and their mothers to live productive, fulfilled, and joy-filled lives!
Colorado has more than 44 pregnancy care centers, plus churches and adoption placement agencies available to help women and their children! We do not have to answer suffering with the further suffering and deaths of children! Because we know better, we can do better for women and children! Women and children deserve the compassion of our citizens for their protection in law.
The good news for incrementalists and abolitionists, alike, is that we need only 20% more churchgoers to vote for life for this initiative to pass in our state. This is a good law that anyone wanting to protect women and children will want to stand behind.
We are thankful for the help of many national and state organizations, and those working behind the scenes to help get the word out about this very important initiative. A special thanks to the many attorneys and doctors providing legal and medical advice in the process.
We invite churches, organizations, and individuals across the state to unify on behalf of children. We invite anyone who would like to eliminate the killing of innocent children in Colorado to join us in prayer, education, circulating a petition, and helping others support this effort to protect all children so that every child can have a birthday.​ Our goal is to mobilize Coloradans to pray, educate, and vote For Life! Sixty-one percent of Coloradans attend church at least several times a year, so if we as God's people will disciple those entrusted to us as Jesus commands of His followers, we can speak life over Colorado.
For the physical, mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual health of every woman, man, and child, and the health of our churches and our communities, let's defend "the least of these" among us. Because every child deserves a birthday and every mother is worth protecting. Ask God how He would have you be involved. We welcome you to the movement and the cause.
Remember when you held that newborn in your arms for the first time? That's who we are fighting for. Not political agendas, elections, fundraisers, or popularity contests. We are fighting for them. And for the One who created all of us.
We ultimately win. And the gates of hell will not prevail.
"Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations." Isaiah 62:10
The Proponents
Meet Our Co-Proponents
These are the ladies who met with multiple advisors and jumped through the hoops with the state to give Christians and prolife politicians the opportunity to vote for life. The proponents are women: one a doctor of physical therapy, devout Catholic, wife, and mother; and the other a women's advocate of 19 years who raised her children as a single mother and helped women victimized by sexual assault, partner violence, abortion, and through overwhelming challenges while pregnant.
Angela is a devout Catholic, seminary graduate, and teaches Catechism to youth at her church. She is a wife, mother, and Doctor of Physical Therapy who enjoys camping and spending time with her family. She helped with Prop 115 and leads an annual community Walk for Life.
Faye was a women’s advocate for 19 years, served four pregnancy care centers in two states, and started in the prolife cause in the 1980’s. A prelaw student who graduated with honors, she worked toward a master’s degree as a single mom. She was an aid at the Colorado state capitol and pursued a career in communications for international ministries. She is married with grown married children, grandchildren, and an adopted special needs son. She accepted Christ as her personal Savior as a small child in the church where her father pastored.