Abortion Harms Women
What No One Is Telling Us ...
Taking away the lives of children from their mothers is abusive, cruel, and deadly to children, robs the world of a unique creative human being who God thinks the world needs, and robs a mother of her beautiful child who God has chosen to bless her and given to love her.
Abortion directly rebels against the expressed will of God and doubts His good nature in knowing how to give good gifts and working all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His good purpose.
Abortion is more dangerous for women than giving birth to living children or c-section intended to save lives. [1]
According to pregnancy care centers that offer mothers no-cost alternatives to abortion, most mothers do not choose abortion when given honest information, non-violent options, and loving support.
Abortion Pills Harm Women
In addition to the emotional trauma and physical pain of an early miscarriage, mothers choosing a chemical abortion to terminate pregnancy are at risk for hemorrhage, shock, infection, an incomplete abortion requiring surgical intervention, and possible death. [2]
Surgical Abortion Harms Women
Mothers choosing surgical abortion experience the same physical risks as a chemical abortion with the added risks of a perforated uterus, bowel, or damage to her cervix. [2]
Mothers choosing to terminate a pregnancy face the possibility of later infertility, miscarriage, premature labor, incompetent cervix, and difficulty carrying a baby to term. [2]
Largely ignored studies show that an interrupted first pregnancy can lead to breast cancer for the mother later in life. [3]
Abortion Harms Women's Emotional Well-being​​
​​​​​​​​​​​Common emotional difficulties following these procedures may include difficulty in relationships, bonding with other children, sexual dysfunction, and being triggered by anything reminding of the procedure such as a vacuum cleaner, dentist chair, sounds or smells of a doctor’s office, people who did not protect her from the procedure, or anniversary of the procedure or the child’s due date. [3]
Many women also experience rage toward the father, men in general, or others in general, and may develop Stockholm Syndrome toward the abortionist who abused and violated her. [3]
​​Studies show that women who have experienced an abortion have 138% higher risk of mental health issues than women who gave birth. Women have higher rates of anxiety (34%), depression (37%), and addictions (110% alcohol, 230% marijuana). Mothers who choose to terminate pregnancies have an increased risk of suicide by 155%. Eighty-one percent (81%) of all women who have an abortion have serious psychological problems following. [5]
Abortion Harms Women Physically
More than 24,000 children are killed legally every year in Colorado. Based on worldwide reporting, 57,000 women die from abortions every year, and more than 5 million women are hospitalized annually from abortion complications. [4] According to an independent study, one in seven women visit an emergency room following an abortion. [5] According to abortionists, one in 25 women need emergency room services following an abortion. [6]
Abortionists in Colorado are not required to report deaths of women and children due to abortion. Abortionists continue to assert that abortion is “safe” (presumably for the mother).
The Victim No One Talks About
Abortion survivors (children who were born alive) may be left to the elements to die of starvation and cold. Very rarely, an abortion survivor will be given warmth and nourishment and placed in a loving home through adoption. A living child is considered a “failed abortion” or “failed termination”.
A Better Solution
There are roughly thirty-six (36) couples waiting to adopt a baby for every one baby available to adopt. [6] There is a shortage of babies. Saving the lives of children would address the shortage of babies and does not reflect foster care, as foster care is for children whose parents want their children but have had their children taken from them due to allegations of neglect or abuse and do not want to relinquish parental rights.
Many aborted children would have grown to be contributing adults in the workforce with families of their own to love. From a national security standpoint, these children may have joined the military, paid taxes, and contributed to social security. They may have become doctors, nurses, school teachers, janitors, plumbers, scientists, pastors, and world leaders. From a community standpoint, they would have joined our churches and become our neighbors, family members, and friends. They are our grandchildren and could have been parents of their own children.
Ending the Abuse
For children victimized by abortion, their only experience in the world is pain, suffering, and death.
Abortion is the most cruel, inhumane, and lethal form of child abuse. The intended outcome of every abortion is the child’s death. It is not necessary to intentionally cause the death of any child, as we are an advanced society with the ability to attempt to save lives of both mothers and children.
Abortion is Unnecessary
Most mothers don’t know the resources and loving choices available to them which makes every abortion unnecessary. Every woman needs the grace of Jesus. There are healing groups available for parents and grandparents recovering from the trauma and grief of abortion.