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What is an Abortion?

Advertised as a "right", a "choice", "reproductive freedom", "women's healthcare" or simply "healthcare", what is an abortion?


Often confused with miscarriage (aka "spontaneous abortion") where the child has already died (the child's heart has stopped beating), or labor cannot be stopped, an elective abortion (sometimes referred to as an "induced abortion", "termination of pregnancy", or simply "abortion") kills the child through poison, starvation, or dismemberment, and the mother is put into preterm labor or her cervix is stretched to remove her child in pieces, 


The purpose of an "abortion" or "termination of pregnancy" is a dead child. Despite a common myth, elective abortion is not necessary to save a mother's life. Natural childbirth and c-section are safer for both mother and child than an abortion. In an ectopic pregnancy, the child can be monitored, delivered early, or moved to the uterus for possible reattachment. [1} Sometimes a mother may need to be induced into labor early, but all lives can be attempted to be saved and treated humanely; whereas in an abortion the goal is to kill the child. Any time an elective abortion is performed on a living child, it is unnecessary, hence the phrase "choice".

What is a Woman Choosing?

Those profiting from taking away the lives of children have many ways to kill children. According to first-hand accounts, most abortionists do not inform mothers of these procedures or the risks associated with them. Many mothers do not realize what they are doing until it is too late. 


Abortion is typically performed on mothers experiencing crisis. When in crisis, cognitive thinking skills, or reasoning, goes off-line and we react from fight, flight, or freeze. Helping a mother out of crisis, pregnancy care centers listen as mothers reason through their options, find resources, focus on those supportive of her pregnancy, and weigh the risks and benefits of all parenting options. The no-cost services alleviate stress by providing baby clothes and items, mentoring options, and parenting classes.


Abortionists, however, put a mother into crisis by questioning her child's health, her health, her relationships, and her ability to parent. It is during crisis that most mothers experience an abortion, contributing to the bottom-line of profit for abortionists, pharmaceuticals, and a multi-trillion dollar abortion industry. The opposite of health, these procedures intentionally kill one patient (the infant) and harm the other patient (the mother).



"Abortion Pill", "Medical Abortion", or "Chemical Abortion" consists of two drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol ) taken within 48 hours of each other, forcing the mother to miscarry her child and deliver her dead baby. Fatal to the child, it is also dangerous for the mother, particularly if she has an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy or is further along in pregnancy than she realizes. There can be further complications if her blood type is negative and the child's is positive, or if she has an undiagnosed sexually transmitted infection (STI). If she has taken the first pill and changes her mind, she can get large doses of progesterone with a 60% chance of saving her baby. [2]


In addition to the emotional trauma and physical pain of an early miscarriage, women choosing this method to terminate pregnancy are at risk for hemorrhage, shock, infection, an incomplete abortion requiring surgical intervention, future infertility, and death. Mothers report feeling intense labor pains with a lot of blood and up to a month or more of bleeding. Women taking these drugs may not receive proper medical care or follow-up. One in 25 women will visit an emergency room, according to abortionists, and 1 in 7 women will need emergency room services within two weeks of the abortion, according to an independent study. [3] [4]


Watch History of Abortion Pill

Watch Medical Abortion



"Surgical Abortion" terminates pregnancy through suction, D&C, or D&E, requiring that the woman’s cervix is forced open and the child is dismembered through a large catheter, and/or grasped and pulled apart (dismembered) by a clamp and other surgical instruments. Each of these procedures requires that the child’s head is crushed to fit through the mother’s cervix. If the child’s heart is no longer beating, these same procedures may be used to facilitate a diagnosed miscarriage. If the child’s heart is beating, the procedure is very painful to the child being torn apart, and we can observe them crying and trying to get away from the instruments taking away their lives and from the safety of their mothers. 


Watch ultrasound of a suction (aspiration) abortion used in earliest pregnancies.

Watch first trimester surgical abortion suction (aspiration) D & C.

Watch second trimester surgical abortion dilation and evacuation (D & E),

Watch cells from aborted children used for vaccines.



"Late Term Abortion" kills the child through lethal injection and induces childbirth. The child is poisoned by toxic levels of a heart medication, the mother’s cervix is artificially opened, and the mother is put into preterm labor to go through the entire process of childbirth to deliver her dead baby. If the first injection does not stop the baby’s heart within twenty-four hours, another injection will be repeated every 24 hours until the baby dies. It may take up to three days for the baby to die and another three days for the mother to finish labor to give birth to her dead or dying child. In addition to a needle injected through the mother's abdomen into the baby's heart, the abortionist may also invade the mother's womb through the cervix to cut the umbilical cord which is the baby's lifeline of nutrients and oxygen. For the child, it is a painful death. For the mother, it is a week-long process with several months of physical recovery. 


A late term abortion is more dangerous to the mother than giving birth to a living child, as a living baby helps his/her mother during the birthing process. Because her baby is so large, mothers report feeling their baby thrashing while they are being poisoned to death. Without the injection or killing the baby first, the mother could be put into preterm labor for an easier birth and the baby could be placed in a loving home through adoption.


​Partial Birth Abortion kills the baby during childbirth. The mother is put into labor with the baby typically in a breach position. While the baby’s feet, legs, and back are delivered, and only their head is still in the birth canal, the baby's neck is cut and brain stabbed. While most doctors deny doing this, this is legal for abortionists in Colorado. (If a baby were found where a mother did this, the mother would be charged with murder.) Abortionists in Colorado are not required to report anything to the state and abortion death facilities are not monitored or regulated like hospitals and health clinics. Undercover video has confirmed many cases of babies that were born alive and old enough to survive but were stabbed or otherwise tortured to death. When baby body parts are sold, they are taken surgically from living babies.


​​​Another disputed practice is leaving a child to “die of the elements” by denying a newborn basic nourishment, warmth, comfort, and care. These children are left on cold metal trays gasping for air and disposed of as "medical waste". Some infants have been rescued from utility closets, given proper medical care, and provided loving families through adoption.


​Video late term abortion clinics



Quite the opposite of contributing to a mother's "Reproductive Health" or being in any way healthy, an abortion intentionally ends the life of one patient (the infant) and harms the other patient (the mother). Among the many possible physical complications of abortion - including the certain death of the infant and potential death of the mother - 81% of mothers consenting to any elective abortion, including chemical and surgical abortion, have severe psychological problems following an abortion, including rage, anxiety, depression, chemical dependence, and suicidal tendencies. [5] 



Printable Handout:

What is An Abortion/What is a Woman Choosing​


Printable Handout:

​What No One Told Us About About Abortion/About Solutions to Abortion​


Printable Handout:

What About Exceptions​​

[1] Ectopic Life: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Ectopic Pregnancy, Bill Fortenberry, 2023.


[3] A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Emergency Room Utilization Following Mifepristone Chemical and Surgical Abortions, 1999–2015, National Library of Medicine, 09 November 2021..

[4] Incidence of Emergency Department Visits and Complications After Abortion, citing reported billing to Medicaid of California 2009-2010, ACOG, January 2015.

[5] Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research 1995–2009, Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018..


Colorado Life Initiative

Join Us in Protecting Innocent Children and Caring for their Mothers

PO Box 3, Brush, Colorado 80723

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