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Abortion is NOT Healthcare

Abortion violates a mother's body to take away from her the life of her baby. Often described as "worse than rape", even though the mother may be required to sign a release, there is no way for her to know the full extent of the physical and emotional pain she is about to endure.


The repercussions of her decision will affect her the rest of her life. Even those women who think they had "no choice" or that she did the best she knew at the time, live with lifelong regret.


Those women who were lied to that their baby was "just a clump of cells" are not prepared when they deliver their perfectly formed little son or daughter or find out later the development of their child that was taken from them.


The choice to terminate a pregnancy is far from healthy, causing one patient to die (the infant) and the other patient (the mother) unnecessary pain and suffering.


The more loving choice is to place the child in a loving home of the mother's choosing through the gift of adoption, or to find help in parenting so that the mother can continue to mature as an adult while caring for her child, growing, loving, and experiencing life together.


Most mothers love their children and only need to find a way of escape out of the temptation of abortion. Elective abortion is always unnecessary, hence the term "choice".

Colorado Life Initiative

Join Us in Protecting Innocent Children and Caring for their Mothers

PO Box 3, Brush, Colorado 80723

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