Child sacrifice could end today if the Executive branch of the federal government (The President of the United States) enforces existing laws already in place through the US Constitution and existing federal law.
When President Lincoln produced a proclamation, he was asked what he would do if the Supreme Court disagreed with him, to which he reportedly replied that the Supreme Court would be welcome to enforce their decision.
Abortion is the greatest human rights violation and injustice of our day. Like the issue of slavery, killing innocent children through abortion should not be a state issue, but a national issue because it involves the God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed right to life that is a human rights issue, not a policy issue. As the Executive Branch of the United States, it is the President's responsibility to uphold the Constitution. If a President were to free preborn children from the current holocaust of abortion and hold their parents accountable for protecting their children leading to birth, he would be in similar standing in history with President Lincoln or Martin Luther King.
With the evidences we have that preborn children are living human beings - fully human and alive the moment light flashes and the first cell of our body with our own unique DNA is weaved together that makes up every cell of our body, doubling in size within 24-hours, heartbeat by 21 days, detectable brainwaves by 6 weeks, able to feel pain and move away from touch to our face by 7 weeks, with our own personality, blood type, fingerprints, and complete and complex systems and organs as a human being, a President of the United States could apply the same Right to Life that protects the rest of us to our preborn children, or as the Constitution phrases it, our Posterity.
By upholding the 14th Amendment (US Constitutional Right to Life) that applies to our Posterity through the Preamble to the US Constitution, killing children in the womb could be legally ended and children already born could be protected. There are other federal laws the President could uphold, as well, to protect preborn children.
What a President of the United States can do right now to end abortion:
Apply US Constitution's Right to Life to all living human beings, including preborn children
Stop shipment of abortion drugs through the US Postal Service
Enforce federal law against distribution of abortion-related items across state lines
FDA recall mifepristone and misoprostol (abortion pills) and deny approval of any drugs created for the purpose of ending a child's life.
Deny tax-payer funding to hospitals or medical clinics that perform abortions
Stop federal funding of abortions through Medicaid, military, etc.
Close abortion clinics because they do not conform to health and safety standards of legitimate healthcare facilities and intentionally cause death to a patient
Return Hippocratic oath to the medical field in order to receive any federal funds. (First, do no harm. Do not provide any abortifacient to a pregnant mother.)
Stop the sale or rent of human body parts and remove commercial use and experimentation of human fetal cell lines.
The Department of Health and Human Services can expect fathers and mothers to protect their children prior to birth as we expect of parents following birth.
A president could end the practice of child sacrifice – both surgical and chemical abortion - by applying the US Constitution's Right to Life to preborn children; stopping the shipment of abortion drugs through the US Postal Service; enforcing federal law that abortion items cannot cross state lines; denying federal funds from hospitals or medical clinics that perform abortions; stop federal funding of abortions through Medicaid, military, etc., and closing abortion facilities because they do not conform to health and safety standards of healthcare facilities and intentionally cause death to a patient. The FDA could recall abortion pills, and it could become a requirement for distribution of Medicaid or Medicare for any medical facility or hospital to reinstate the Hippocratic oath.
The President can also stop the purchase of human baby body parts by the government and universities – close any organization/business caught selling baby body parts, deny funding to any university caught purchasing them, and fire any employee of the government participating. The President can stop federal funding to Planned Parenthood, and with the legislature, prevent abortionists from profiting off the procedure as well as outlawing it altogether. There could be legislation that no individual or business killing a preborn child may receive payment for the procedure.
In addition to making it illegal to perform or charge to perform abortion procedures, and removing approval of abortion drugs, the President by Executive Order could remove commercial use and experimentation of human fetal cell lines.
The FDA can remove any drugs, cosmetics, foods, or vaccines containing or using fetal cells or fetal cell lines in their production, research, or product. These children should not be experimented on or their organs harvested for research or for any other reason.
Laws could be passed requiring practices in IVF to be humane, only producing children who will be implanted, and only implanting children who will be born. Most IVF involves advising pregnant mothers to abort children due to defects or because doctors have implanted too many children.
By upholding laws against human trafficking/slavery, executive orders and legislation could prevent payment to women for surrogacy and men for sperm. Their bodies or any part of their bodies should not be for sale or rent, and the children they carry should not be handled as property or commodities to be bought and sold.
Surrogacy is arguably a legal form of slavery over another woman's body. Some women have been forced against their will to abort a child already "paid for" or forced to be separated at birth from a child to whom they've naturally bonded. It is cruel to the child to be taken from the mother who has carried them for nine months, as the child has listened to her heartbeat, tasted the flavors of her cooking, and been comforted by her voice. Children resulting from donated sperm have no idea who their biological father is.
Grant monies could be denied to any university that pushes contraceptives and abortion on campus (most abortions are performed on mothers who were using contraception the month they got pregnant). Federal grants can be denied for any medical school that teaches medical students how to perform elective abortions on living children. Fetal stem cell research can be replaced with adult stem cell research.
Pregnancy Care and Resource Centers that offer free services for mothers to help them throughout pregnancy and early parenting could be protected, rather than targeted or singled out from other nonprofit help organizations.
Modern Adoption could be made affordable for adoptive families (there is a shortage of babies - there are currently 36 families waiting to adopt for every one baby available to adopt, and many families would like to adopt multiple children). As more babies become available, the cost to adopt them should lessen for adoptive families.
To educate future generations to protect children, federal funding of biology textbooks could replace inaccurate fetal sketches with actual photographs of children during all nine months of pregnancy.
Once children are born, children can go directly from the biological mom to adoptive parents that the biological mom chooses for her child through modern adoption if she does not, or cannot, care for her child following birth, so that it doesn't affect the foster care system which is for children whose families want them but social services deems are not capable of adequately caring for them due to neglect or abuse. The President can demand accountability in the foster care system to recover missing children and overhaul that very broken system.
Despite propaganda by abortionists, those who oppose abortion don't just care about children until they are born. Those of us speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves prior to birth also help children following birth through many ways: adoption, foster care, parenting classes, relationship classes, professional counseling, childcare, thrift stores, mentorship, help with diapers and baby clothes, baby showers, and helping mothers go back to school, budget, find housing, find work, find transportation, and many other services through nonprofit organizations, local churches, and personal volunteerism. In fact, once children are fully protected prior to birth, we can concentrate our efforts more fully on children already born.
Funding can be removed from any school that teaches transgender confusion, abortion, or preventing abstinence from being discussed with students (as we currently have in Colorado). The President and Congress can protect children already born from sterilization, "transition" surgeries, and hormone blockers.
The administration can work with the Tim Tebow Foundation, law enforcement, and military to rescue children being sex trafficked in the United States.
Abortion is a major contributor to the current mental health crisis, as 81% of pregnant mothers who choose to abort a baby experience mental health problems, including rage, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and drug and alcohol dependence. These pills and invasive procedures are very dangerous for women physically and psychologically, causing one in seven women (or one in twenty-five women according to abortionists) to need emergency room services after aborting a child.
When elective abortion becomes illegal, it will help the physical and mental health of women, solve the shortage of babies to adopt in the United States, and prevent the high rate of infertility caused by abortion. Making abortion illegal will help women get out of sex trafficking and abusive situations. It will help sexual predators to be brought to justice. Ending abortion will elevate the medical profession to find more ways to cure, rather than kill.
The purpose of law is to tutor, deter, and for those who will not be taught or deterred, bring justice for the victim. The child is the true victim in every abortion. We currently try to protect all victims except the one group of the human race too young and powerless to defend themselves. This makes abortion a genocide for the country where it is legal.
Those who identify as 'prolife' must think bigger and have greater faith for what God can do, as all things are possible with God. Our goal must be to bring justice to our legal system as God demands of nations. We must put an end to the current holocaust. We are called to speak life for these children rather than repeating the misinformation, arguments, and direction of abortionists. We make abortion unthinkable by making it illegal. We are to be proactive, rather than reactive, putting our convictions into tangible results. God commands us to create just laws that are fair to all who are created equal in His image. We must cast vision for what an abortion-free America will look like.
By enforcing requirements already in place to air PSAs, the public could become educated on fetal development, helps available to pregnant mothers, the life-saving and loving option of choosing loving parents through modern adoption, and how abortion is not only unnecessary, but harmful to women, and of course, lethal to children. (Abortion is the #1 cause of death to children in the US.)
More than 90% of pregnant mothers chose life for their children in our pregnancy care ministry once they understood their child's development, that they are already a mother, the risks and procedures of abortion and other options available to them, other services available to them, and that someone is willing to walk alongside them throughout pregnancy and as long as needed. Many fathers and extended families would also choose life for their children, grandchildren, or nieces or nephews, if given the chance.
Public Service Announcements and changing the way we talk about pregnancy in public schools would end abortion in the public's mind, while sending abortionists like Planned Parenthood in a panic because they make billions of profit off deceiving the public, exploiting women, and brutally torturing children to death.
Here are some Public Service Announcement (PSA) topics to educate the public:
Speak directly to the American people about upholding the God-given and Constitutionally protected right for innocent human beings to continue living
Show the humanity of preborn children moving in the womb (not a blob of tissue)
Demonstrate how allowing pregnancy to continue is healthiest for mothers and their children (abortion is not healthcare).
Educate on the known physical, psychological, and relational harms and risks of abortion to pregnant mothers and children (mental health, child abuse, infertility, etc.)
Address women’s bodily autonomy choosing when, where, and with whom she engages in activity that could result in a child
Inform on non-violent resources available to mothers including pregnancy care and resource centers, modern adoption agencies, and churches
Explain medically how intentionally taking away a child’s life is not necessary to save a mother’s life; doctors must attempt to save all lives, not intentionally destroy lives.
Declare how in rape or incest, the child is innocent and should not be put to death for their father’s crime; perpetrators of sexual assault should be brought to justice
Help the public understand the difference between natural miscarriage and electively causing a mother to abort her living child (natural versus untimely death)
Promote how to report sex and human trafficking
We can create a future where all children are protected, where pregnant mothers receive the individualized help they need to address any fears and anxieties; the medical community saves lives instead of destroying lives; and children are welcomed into the world by all of us with love. This is in the best interest of our country, communities, churches, families, and individual wellbeing. It will create a better culture of life for all of us. And it will be a country God can bless again.
"This is what the LORD says: Administer justice and righteousness. Rescue the victim of robbery from the hand of his oppressor. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless, or the widow. Do not shed innocent blood in this place. For if you will indeed carry out these commands, then kings who sit on David’s throne will enter through the gates of this palace riding on chariots and horses—they and their officials and their people. But if you do not obey these words, then I swear by Myself, declares the LORD, that this house will become a pile of rubble.’” (Jeremiah 22:3-5)
"Produce fruit, then, in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:8)
" ... law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinful, for the unholy and profane, for killers of father or mother, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching." (1 Corinthians 15)
"Rescue those being led away to death, and restrain those stumbling toward the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know about this, ”does not He who weighs hearts consider it? Does not the One who guards your life know? Will He not repay a man according to his deeds?" (Proverbs 24:11-12)
“Now if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God and are careful to follow all His commandments I am giving you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings will come upon you and overtake you, if you will obey the voice of the LORD your God.... If, however, you do not obey the LORD your God by carefully following all His commandments and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you...." (Deuteronomy 28)
Faye Barnhart is a Life Affirming Specialist, Co-Founder of Pastors For Life, and Co-Proponent of the Colorado Life Initiative. She was a women’s advocate for 19 years, served four pregnancy care centers in two states, including CEO of the largest pregnancy care center in the United States geographically. She began in the prolife cause in the 1980’s. She raised her children as a single parent and is now married with an adopted special needs son and enjoys each of her grandchildren, including a grandbaby who needed life-saving surgery at birth. She accepted Christ as her personal Savior and Lord as a small child.