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Open Letter to Pueblo City Council Members

Writer: Faye BarnhartFaye Barnhart

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

Dear City Council Member,

The arguments tonight not to trump bad state law are the same arguments German generals used when defending themselves for crimes against humanity during the Nuremberg trials for their participation in killing innocent human beings under Nazi law – they were just following the law. They were not excused for that. And neither will you be.

Following bad law is never an excuse for killing innocent human beings. Being bullied and threatened by the state is not a reason not to do the right thing. The ordinance is defensible. It is based in federal law which trumps state law. It is the state law which is indefensible. 

I commend the bravery and tenacity to bring an ordinance to protect the women of Pueblo and defenseless children who also have a right to continue living and not be intentionally and unnecessarily killed and targeted for profit.

We should not divorce our emotions from the tragedies of others or become cold to the loss of innocent lives. If you are for human dignity, equality, health care, and individual rights and bodily autonomy, you should extend that for everyone by opposing abortion death facilities that only exist to kill fellow human beings and unfairly target women and those of lower income, feeding sex traffickers, rapists, and incest perpetrators to repeat their crimes and keeping women trapped in abuse. Is that what you want for your city? 

It’s not divisive to debate and consider differing opinions. It’s the basis for our Constitutional Republic which recognizes everyone’s right to speak and the right to petition government for a redress of grievances. The council is not responsible for what the state does, but it is responsible for Pueblo and representing all your constituents, including those waiting to be born. You owe it to yourselves and your constituents to hear their concerns. You have shirked your duty tonight. 

Ironically, you are helping animals while letting children be tortured to death and women exploited. Abortion is the worst form of abuse. Those who don’t want to protect everyone should have to watch an abortion. You should also get involved with helping women try to overcome the trauma and devastation of it. I encourage you to pass an ordinance to protect the human rights of all who live in Pueblo.

Ezekiel 22:

Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,  “As for you, son of man, will you judge her? Will you pass judgment on the city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her abominations and tell her that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘O city who brings her own doom by shedding blood within her walls and making idols to defile herself, you are guilty of the blood you have shed, and you are defiled by the idols you have made. You have brought your days to a close and have come to the end of your years. ... See how every prince ... within you has used his power to shed blood.  Father and mother are treated with contempt. Within your walls the foreign resident is exploited, the fatherless and the widow are oppressed. …In you they take bribes to shed blood. You engage in usury, take excess interest, and extort your neighbors. But Me you have forgotten, declares the Lord GOD.

I do appreciate your trying to keep the meeting respectful. I wish council members would care enough to hear the actual experiences of women and those of us who have spent decades helping women. It's more than the propaganda and soundbites of a multi-trillion dollar abortion industry run by thugs. Truth is usually uncomfortable, but we'll never get a better society without it. I'm concerned about the future of Pueblo if you cannot get an unregulated butcher shop of humans out of your community.

I was hoping you would be brave to do the right thing and win at the Supreme Court to challenge bad law in Colorado. 


Faye Barnhart


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