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Writer's pictureFaye Barnhart

NO #79 & Death Candidates

The word for intentionally taking away the life of an innocent human being is murder. Another word we use for that is abortion.

There are many reasons to oppose #79, putting a "right" to kill even one child is reason enough to oppose it.

As Christians, we Vote NO 79 and NO to candidates who promote murdering children.

NO ONE (parent or doctor) has a God-given “right” to intentionally kill a living human being. Denying any child their right to continue living violates the command of God “thou shalt not murder (kill innocent human beings)”. (Exodus 20:13, Deut. 5:17, Matthew 19:18)

Abortion in #79 refers to electively and unnecessarily taking a child's life. It is NOT healthcare (where lives are protected and saved), NOT necessary (you don't have to intentionally kill a child to save a mother), does NOT affect miscarriages (where the child has already died), and does NOT help reproductive rights (the right to produce children). In fact, elective abortion violates a woman's reproductive health and causes death to children.

Current law in Colorado allows elective abortion all nine months of pregnancy with NO protections for children at birth. The legislature recently repealed parental notification. The only law the legislature couldn't pass was a Constitutional Amendment because that requires a vote of the people.

In 1984, Colorado voters amended the Colorado Constitution to prohibit the use of state

and local government funds to pay for “any induced abortion, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the General Assembly, by specific bill, may authorize and appropriate funds to be used for those medical services necessary to prevent the death of either a pregnant woman or her unborn child under circumstances where every reasonable effort is made to preserve the life of each.”

These are the words #79 would remove from our Constitution, removing any mention of the child or trying to save both mother and child, and any protections from taxpayers who don't want to participate in paying for murdering children.

Any law allowing even one child to be intentionally killed is too extreme.


Elective abortion is not healthcare, not necessary, has as its sole purpose to kill children, and causes unnecessary pain and suffering and harm to women.

Elective abortion (aka child sacrifice) is always extreme and always wrong.

Most abortions (98%) kill perfectly healthy children and harm the reproductive health of perfectly healthy mothers.

Amendment #79 steals from taxpayers who do not want to participate in the deaths of children!

#79 violates the child's right to live. It is an unjust law against God's command, "thou shalt not murder". God judges nations for unjust laws and cares about the orphan and how we treat 'the least of these'.

#79 would change the Colorado Constitution to promote the deaths of innocent children and allow the exploitation of underage girls and women, feeding the sex trafficking industry, and resulting in more deaths, mental anguish, and infertility of both women and children.

#79 will result in the unnecessary deaths of more children and force all of us to pay for and participate in their tortured deaths.


#79 would prevent parental involvement and any safeguards for women or underage girls sex trafficked, coerced, or abused.


#79 would force medical personnel, communities, and all taxpayers to participate in elective abortions to which we morally oppose.


#79 would prevent communities from protecting women and children or keeping dangerous abortion clinics out of our neighborhoods.

#79 would make it more difficult to protect children and their mothers in the future.

#79 keeps dangerous abortion clinics open and the state paying for them.

#79 could put pregnancy centers in potential peril if they are considered "impeding" a woman getting an abortion by helping her with what she needs to continue pregnancy and parent.

#79 redefines "healthcare" to include intentionally killing innocent human beings.

#79 ignores the child being killed and the harms and deaths abortion causes mothers.

VOTE NO #79!

Elective abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child through starvation, dismemberment, poison, scalding, or stabbing and puts a mother into preterm labor or forces her cervix open, violating her body to take away the life and body of her baby.

Children are fully human and alive with unique DNA, a heartbeat by 21 days from conception that will last a lifetime, hundreds of complex cells and systems and brainwaves by 6 weeks. We can feel pain and will move away from touch to our face by 7 weeks from conception.

A tiny infant with fingers and toes in the first three months of pregnancy can feel joy and interact with our mothers long before we are born! Children with unique fingerprints and blood type are currently denied the right to live all nine months of pregnancy in the state of Colorado with no protections at birth. Children have the same heart and brain prior to birth that we have following birth. Infants and mothers need our protection in law, not the “right” to kill them.

Risks to children from abortion is intended death. Risks to mothers from abortion (both chemical and surgical) include hemorrhage, infection, infertility, and death. 81% of women experience psychological issues following an abortion including suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety, rage, and chemical dependence.

An Independent study has shown that at least 1 in 7 women visit an emergency room following an abortion.* Abortionists report that 1 in 25 women need emergency medical services following an abortion.** Can you imagine the improvement in mental health of underage girls and women and the physical well-being of parents if we could stop aborting our children?

True “reproductive freedom” means we can choose where, when, and with whom we will create a child. Changes in law through the amendment or anti-life politicians would force taxpayers, doctors, communities, and mothers to participate in killing the next generation of Americans, our children!

Candidates who use terms like "reproductive freedom" to cover the promotion of deaths to children need direct and strong opposition from anyone claiming to be a Christian, because Jesus loves children, God creates children, and abortion is a direct assault from God's enemy to kill humans who God is creating, loving, and sent His own Son to save!

Please Vote NO #79 and NO to candidates who promote killing children under the deception of “reproductive rights” or “healthcare”.

Elective abortion is NOT healthcare intended to protect lives, NOT necessary (intentionally killing one patient does not save another patient), does NOT affect miscarriage where the child has already died, and has nothing to do with reproductive rights (the right to reproduce) except to harm it. NO ONE (parent or doctor) has a God-given “right” to intentionally kill a living human child.

If you haven't already, please register to vote. As Christian citizens, we have the right and responsibility to determine the laws by which we live. Let's make them moral and inline with the laws God has already set out for humans and human government to follow.

Please vote NO to #79 that would change the Colorado constitution, and vote NO to any candidate claiming “reproductive rights”, “reproductive freedom,” or “healthcare” that involves killing preborn infants through abortion.

Because every child is worth saving and every child deserves a birthday.

Rescue those being led away to death,

and restrain those stumbling toward the slaughter.

If you say, “Behold, we did not know about this,”

does not He who weighs hearts consider it?

Does not the One who guards your life know?

Will He not repay a man according to his deeds?

Proverbs 24:11-12

*A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Emergency Room Utilization Following Mifepristone Chemical and Surgical Abortions, 1999–2015, National Library of Medicine, 09 November 2021..

**Incidence of Emergency Department Visits and Complications After Abortion, citing reported billing to Medicaid of California 2009-2010, ACOG, January 2015.

***Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research 1995–2009, Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018.

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