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Why "ProLife" and "ProChoice" Don't Matter?

Writer's picture: Faye BarnhartFaye Barnhart

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

I used to think the battle for preborn children was between "prochoice" and "prolife" but have come to realize, it is a war between the powers of darkness and God’s army of light. It is a battle not between women's rights and children's rights, but between the powers of good and evil.

In the last several years, all of us have become more aware of the news we listen to and how it affects what and how we think about the events around us. The people we listen to affect how we interpret the world. There's a lot of wisdom in the children's song with the verse, “oh be careful little ears what you hear”.

It matters who we listen to.

We can recognize the enemy because he is first and foremost the accuser of our brothers and sisters. (Rev 12:10) The enemy of our soul works in deception, discouragement, distraction, and division within the family of God. That’s not to say that all division is of the devil, as the Word of God divides accurately, and Jesus said because we follow Him, we will be at odds with the world and often members of our own family. There is a natural division between this world and the things of God. (John 15:19, Jude 1:16-21) God provides us discernment and wisdom the world doesn’t have. (Romans 12:2)

So what does it matter if someone identifies as "prolife" or "prochoice"? Both may want less abortion than what we have today. Both may agree with a woman's bodily autonomy. Even a child's humanity. Unless the Spirit of God dwells within them, they cannot have the wisdom and discernment to fight God's enemy and the evil of child sacrifice. They may think they are doing good, but they cannot win over evil using the strategies of the devil. Their own cleverness and strength and experience cannot bring about good. Those following the father of lies cannot know the strategies of God. The enemy will not disclose to them how to end child sacrifice, only how to compromise with it.

Over the last few years, I've begun to recognize some common lies of the enemy.

The lie “It’s not the right time” is a great stalling tactic by the enemy to keep us in inaction. The truth? It is always the right time to do the right thing. (Martin Luther King Jr) Scripture says, "today is the day of salvation," and "anyone who knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them." (James 4:17)

The lie “we can’t win” is met with the truth that we have already won the victory. We just step out in faith and obedience to what God has called us to do, trusting the results to God.

The lie “it hasn’t ever been done before, therefore it can never be done” is met with the truth that with God all things are possible. Most things have never been done before, until they are.

When someone says “voters are not ready,” the response should be “then let’s get voters ready.” Let's not wait until two months before an election to try to manipulate voters based on what they already believe. Let's challenge myths with facts starting now!

Or the lie, "you can't legislate morality" when the truth is that law by definition is a moral code by which we expect one another to live, like not killing people or lying under oath.

Every time we hear something, we can ask "does this align with Scripture?" We can go directly to God and ask what He thinks about it. As we listen daily to the Lord through prayer, Scripture, and fellowship with other believers, we can ask, "does this sound like something God would say, or something His enemy would say?"

We often look for an easier way. The serpent in the garden to Eve and the devil to Jesus gave the same temptation of compromise, that if they would just do this one thing, they would have a shortcut to what they wanted.

Dangling that we will get what we want faster and easier if we compromise, the enemy tempts disobedience. Whereas God's way is speaking the truth in love. Each of us needs to be alert in prayer with the whole armor of God to be able to stand firm. Compromise is easy; conviction is hard. Conviction is necessary to be effective. (Ephesians 4:14-27, Luke 17:1-3, Ephesians 6:10-20)

We are overcomers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony and do not love our lives so much to shrink from death. (Revelation 12:11)

It has never been about "prochoice" versus "prolife". It's always been about life and death, blessings and curses. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Ultimately, it's about trust. Do we trust God to give a good gift when He creates a child? (James 1:17) Do we believe God that He's creating a child as He says He is? (John 1:3) Do we believe that God knows what is best for us and our world?

Whatever someone identifies as - whether "prolife" or "prochoice" - it only matters whether they are committed to following Christ or if they are listening to someone else.

How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him. (1 Kings 18:21)

For too long, we have looked to secular political organizations and individuals for strategies and advice how to end abortion, rather than to the One who overcomes evil and tells us how to overcome evil. Do we trust God knows best how to overcome evil in our world?

Jesus says that those who follow Him know His voice. We learn to listen for Him, and we learn to recognize when it's His enemy.

"My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” (John 10:27-30)

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