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5-Minute Sundays

It's Time for the Church!
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With an abortion amendment and candidates on the Colorado ballot this November, it is important that Christians vote Biblically. This Church Toolkit, "5-Minute Sundays" compiled by the Colorado Life Initiative Coalition provides quick and simple videos and handouts that any church can do in under 5 minutes for 5 Sundays leading to the election. Colorado early voting may begin as early as October 14th.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

​1) Play a video,

2) Pray repentance for families, our church and our state, and

3) Provide a handout to share with others.​​​

Keep Reading


Week 1:

Child Development

The Humanity of Preborn Children.


For when he sees his children around him, the work of My hands, they will honor My name, - Isaiah 29:16​


​Suggested Video: (4 minutes 28 secs)

or (3 minutes 14 seconds)

Suggested Handout:

"Child Development from Day 1"


Week 2:

What is an Abortion?

What a Mother is Choosing.


​even the compassion of the wicked is cruel. - Proverbs 12:10



Suggested Video:

"Save Both" (3 minutes)

or abortion procedures

(related video: "It's OK')

Suggested Handout:

"What is Abortion/What is a Woman Choosing?"





Dig Deeper: Videos and Workbooks


Abortion Testimonies: Voices of Women & Men


Week 3:

What No One Told Us

How to Help Women and Men in Your Congregation.


But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out - 1 Cor 10:13


Suggested Video:

What services are available in your area? 
Find a pregnancy center near you


Suggested Handout:

"What No Told Us About Abortion/Solutions"





​​Equip Your Congregation 

For Pro Abundant Life:


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Week 4:

What Does God Say?

The Relevance of God's Word.



teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you - Matthew 28:20


​​Suggested Video:

"It's Time for the Church" (1 minute)

Or What Scripture Says (2 minutes)


Suggested Handout:

What does the Bible tell us?







Sample Sermons:

What Scripture says about Protecting Preborn Children


Sermon including fetal development, abortion procedures, Scripture, and political


Resources from Priests For Life:​​​

Voting in Election

Week 5:

Our Civic Duty

Faith in Action: Live in Freedom.



law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless -1 Timothy 1


Screen Announcement:

Power Point Slide​


Suggested Video:

Colorado Life - Vote NO Ballot Abortion Amendment (1min 16sec)

Suggested Handout:

"White Paper: Colorado Ballot Abortion Amendment 2024"



To DO More:

Info Post Card

Vote No Postcards


For Further Study:

Biblical Citizenship

Patriot Academy: Biblical Citizenship in Modern America​​


Pastor's Toolkit

For Civic Engagement:


Vote NO #79

that puts killing children into our state Constitution

Action Steps

Action steps every individual, group, and church can do to save lives!


Please oppose #79 because children will be killed! It is a dangerous amendment that removes any protections of women and children and forces every tax payer to pay for and participate in harm to women and children's deaths. 


1. Pray repentance for ourselves, families, communities, state, and nation, and protection of these preborn infants. 

2. Educate your congregation about the humanity of preborn children, the truth about abortion*, and the non-violent resources available to mothers. Abortion causes unnecessary pain and suffering to mothers and death to children. Abortion is not healthcare and not necessary.

3. Register churchgoers to vote! Mobilize churchgoers and your community to register to vote and vote "NO" on #79. Please share this Church Toolkit to help mobilize your community.


Please share this 1-minute video with your church!

The abortion amendment on the Colorado ballot would require unlimited abortion in our state funded by our taxpayer dollars. 


The amendment prevents parental involvement and any safeguards for women or underage girls sex trafficked, coerced, or abused.


The amendment violates the child's right to live. It is an unjust law against God's command, "thou shalt not kill (murder innocent human beings)".


Did you Know?

*Risks from abortion (both chemical and surgical) include hemorrhage, infection, infertility, and death. 81% of women experience psychological issues following an abortion including suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety, rage, and chemical dependence. An Independent study has shown that at least 1 in 7 women visit an emergency room following an abortion. Abortionists report that 1 in 25 women visit an emergency room following an abortion.


*Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research 1995–2009, Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018..

**A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Emergency Room Utilization Following Mifepristone Chemical and Surgical Abortions, 1999–2015, National Library of Medicine, 09 November 2021..

***Incidence of Emergency Department Visits and Complications After Abortion, citing reported billing to Medicaid of California 2009-2010, ACOG, January 2015.

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